Helping out our friends

During a hackaton it is difficult to find time to go out and get things you need or have forgotten. Since we have been to numerous hackatons before, we know this and shares the pain.

Luckily we have access to a car and wanted to help out, so we asked if anyone needed anything from the store, got a list of orders and out we went.

As you can see, this was literally "out of our way", as our way was at Voksenåsen Hotel.

Here you can see Roar carrying groceries at the max capacity of what his body allowes, but he is happy doing it.

When we got back everyone who wanted us to get something got exactly what they wanted, and you can almost see their soul light up through their eyes as they get their wishes fulfilled.

As you might have guessed, we try to achieve the badge "Leave no one behind" with this post and act of kindness :D