SaaS - Face scanning 2.0 is released!

The face scanning solution is now updated for better image quality and thus higher accuracy, by having a light that turns on right before a picture is taken.

This works by sending a request from the scanning software to a Shell script on the Raspberry Pi, which then communicates with the z-wave server which sends the request to the Fibaro wall plug and turns the light on. The light will however only be on when a picture is to be taken. Having the light on all day would be wasting energy and money, and be bad for the environment.

The Fibaro Wall Plug:

Video of the solution in action!

With this update we have also updated the graphical user interface. The software takes five pictures which are shown to the citizen underneath the streaming video. If there is something wrong with a picture, such that it would disqualify the citizen from going through, it is displayed underneath the image in question. These warnings include "Not smiling enough" (Happy citizens lead to happy colonies), "Occluded forehead", "Glasses on" and any emotion that is not happiness or neutral. If and when a picture is approved, information stored on the citizen along with the image analysis information will be displayed for the citizen to see.


Having an environmentally friendly flash, by making this light save energy and only lighting up right before a picture is taken we believe we deserve the [Treehugger] badge. And by having the light shining instantly when the software running on the Rasberry Pi request it, we believe we deserve the [Instant] badge.