The first steps towards Mars

Hello! This is Kernel Panic 2.

We are a group of enthusiastic developers from Computas. Our team (in the same order as in the picture) consist of Gullik Vetvik Killie, Erik Følstad, Simen Selseng, Angeliqa Axelsson and Joachim Halvorsen (Team leader)

We hope you will enjoy our project setting and solutions and will follow our posts throughout Artic IOT Challenge 2018!

Project setting

The year is 2084. The outbreak of the Krippin Virus is threatening the entire human race and no cure has been found. Whole countries have been quarantined and the world is in panic. No place on earth is considered safe, it`s just a matter of time.

Humans started travelling to Mars a few years ago. The colonies on Mars is considered as the only safe place for humans to prosper, and the only solution for the long-term survival of humanity.

Extremely strict measures are implemented to make sure the virus does not reach Mars. At the very least sign of any disease whole space ships with new arrivals are turned down, and asked to return to earth. The spaceships are seldom designed for the return trip, and very few successfully makes the trip back. At the same time the colonies desperately need more people, to reach the critical point where they become self-sufficient.

The business of transferring humans to Mars was initially an easy moneymaker for private spaceship companies, with money coming in from both the people traveling to Mars, the Mars colonies and from countries supporting the new earth. As the outbreak of Krippin Virus grew and grew, more and more ships where stopped from entering the Mars colonies. The companies suffered huge financial losses and now also have a hard time of finding specialist needed for securing a safe journey.


The company SaaS (Screening as a Service) saw this as an opportunity. This service, our service, has been around for a long time. It is currently used at airports and border controls around the world, as well as by some countries in times of mass immigration. And now, as we are facing the extinction of the human race, we offer this service to you, the SaaS for Mars colonization.

Our service is fully automated and as such ensures extremely low staff costs, as it requires almost no actual staff. The only people needed for use of the system are working remotely from Asia.

Through a two week quarantine prior to take off, we will ensure you that all passengers that are eligible for the trip are healthy, guaranteed virus free and will be able to contribute to the well being and prospering of your colony. Allow us to go through our extensive screening process and show you how you will profit from using our service.

During the two weeks they spend in quarantine, they will be trained in a skill needed on the spacecraft as well as on your colony on Mars. This will cut your costs as you will not need to send all of your own staff back and forth between Earth and Mars, the new citizens will be trained to do a lot of the work needed! It will also make the citizens acclimatize faster and they will be able to get straight to work and contribute to the well being and prospering of your colony

Our solution

There are several automated systems to get people through screening and training process, or to detect applicants not suitable for going to Mars.

Prior to arrival, the applicants will use an Android app to fill out a form stating their personalia and interests. This will go through our automated system, which will calculate the optimal date and time for this person to arrive at the quarantine area. The applicants will be placed in different groups (called populations) based on occupation, language, other traveling family members etc.

When arriving at the quarantine and training zone the applicants must pass an automatic passport and identity control. Face recognition are used to make sure the identity of the applicants is correct. An Arduino connected to a webcam and Azure Face API is the backbone of the identity control.

The applicants are then registered and given a wearable device they must keep on them at all times during their time in our facilities. Their temperature will be monitored through the wearable device, to make sure that none of the citizens are infected by the Krippin Virus. Any hint of fever and they will be taken out of training and will not be eligible for travel.

The applicants will automatically be placed in different skill groups based on occupation, language etc. These skill groups will then be mixed into so called populations to create a good basic skill set for each population. There will be one population per ship/spacecraft.

Beacons are placed around the training facilities, and together with applicants phones we are able to track the applicants during their whole stay. We will know if an applicant skips their training program, and how many trips they have had to the toilet.

Since the quarantine area is as it says, under quarantine, there will be no staff inside. Instead, if the citizens need support in any way, they can ask ROSA. ROSA stands for Remotely Operated Support Assistant, and is operated by our support staff currently working in Asia. ROSA will also be used during training.

At the end of the quarantine period the remaining applicants will go through the final screening, where they are either approved or denied by the Great Inspector ™ to make the trip. A screen will also inform the applicants about further details about the decision.

The automatic systems are supported by software running in multiple clouds for easy of site support and development. Having a solution in the cloud will make it a small problem to scale up the solution to handle larger numbers of facilities and applicants in the future.


Having sketch out our concept and solution, and introduced you to the project setting we think we deserve the [Description here] bag.