Assemble for safety

When our athlete is out and training, he might become distracted by all the new and super fancy metrics he can track. Therefore we have implemented a safety device.

It is a warning light that can be duct taped to the athlete and will warn others about his presense.

Because we are geeks, we did write it in assembler, a language I swore to never touch again seven years ago. Thanks ARIoT.....

#define LEDPORT PORTB    // Arduino pin 13 is bit 5 of port B
#define LEDBIT 5

void setup() {  
 asm volatile ("  sbi %[portdir], %[lbit]  \n"    // Set bit direction
      "3: "                                        // main loop label
      "   sbi %[port], %[lbit] \n"                 //  Turn on.
           * About the delay loop:
           *   The inner loop (dec, brne) is 3 cycles.
           *   For one second, we want 16million cycles, or 16000000/(3*256*256) loops.
           *   This is "about" 81.
      "    clr r16  \n"
      "    clr r17  \n"
      "    ldi r18, 81  \n"   // 100 * 256
      "1:"  // 1st delay loop label
      "    dec r16  \n"
      "    brne 1b  \n"
      "    dec r17  \n"
      "    brne 1b  \n"
      "    dec r18  \n"
      "    brne 1b  \n"

      "    cbi   %[port], %[lbit] \n"             // Turn off.

      "    clr r16  \n"
      "    clr r17  \n"
      "    ldi r18, 81  \n"
      "2:"  // 2nd delay loop label
      "    dec r16  \n"
      "    brne 2b  \n"
      "    dec r17  \n"
      "    brne 2b  \n"
      "    dec r18  \n"
      "    brne 2b  \n"

      "    rjmp 3b  \n"
      : [portdir] "I" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(LEDPORT_DIR)),
        [port] "I" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(LEDPORT)),
     [lbit] "I" (LEDBIT)

void loop() {
